Stella Gee Period 4


Bill Gates

Rank: 1

Wealth: 61.5 billion

Age:  52

Bill Gates Money-61.5 Billion

Biggest Bill- 100

1 million in 100s -> 40 inch stack

61.5 Billion Stack

40” x 1000= 40000”/1 billion x 61.5= 2460000”

2460000”/12=20500feet/5280= 38.8 miles high


-around $82 per second

-should he see or drop a $1000 bill on the ground, it's just not worth his time to bend over and pick it up

-over 100 billion dollars and then drop down to 55 billion

-1998 he netted some $45 Billion

-pay Michael Jordan's 1997 salary only 1300 times

Steve Ballmer

Rank: 15

Wealth: 15 billion

Age: 52

Paul Allen

Rank: 12

Wealth: 16 billion

Age: 55


Steve Jobs

Rank:  61

Wealth: 5.7 billion

Age: 53

Steve Wonziac

Rank: Unranked

Wealth: 183.99/ 2.75 x 45 million= $3,010,745,450 

Age: 59

-Woz really worked Dial-A-Joke

-He really likes jokes and plays them all the time.

-The researchers had Apple’s history to complete their movie without our interviews.

-He is a low-salary employee at Apple.

-Jobs and Woz are still friends.

-The movie is not that accurate about the incidents but the feelings were correct.

-Dan may be Dan Kottke, an employee who got some of his stock.